EnLink Technology   

CTU Technology
Advantages to using the EnLink CTU
  • The CTU does not require a sinker bar or rebar weight; therefore you can drill a 3-�" hole instead of the typical 5" to 5-�" hole, which results in significantly better penetration rates.
  • Smaller hole size also means loop efficiency is improved up to 25%.
  • Less footage is required in a given installation to achieve the desired heat transfer level.
  • Because you need less drilling fluid and grout, there are fewer cuttings, so your disposal costs are lower.

The EnLink CTU is designed for both speed and flexibility.
EnLink can use the CTU to simultaneously loop and grout behind two to three rigs so drillers can focus on drilling twice as many holes per day. And because the loop reel is part of the CTU, drillers don't waste time moving the loop reel from hole to hole.

This unique installation and completion system features a continuous coil of steel tubing that effortlessly and quickly pushes the ground loop to the bottom of previously drilled holes. A specially designed U-bend component holds the loop securely in place for grouting. This eliminates the need to fasten the loop at the surface.

As the coil tubing is withdrawn, grout is pumped around the loop in a single trip. There is no need to make another trip with tremmie pipe. Drilling fluid is pushed back to the surface as the grout us pumped to the bottom of the hole. A submersible pump picks up displaced drilling fluid and pumps it to another more desirable location.

EnLink's CTU works equally as well with all thermal enhanced or environmentally sanctioned grouts. Our optional grout system helps ensure that any grout you select is thoroughly mixed and pumped.

Ease of Operation
Our CTU requires just one operator; all controls are within easy reach, allowing one to effortlessly maneuver the CTU from hole to hole, even in cramped areas. Clearly EnLink's coil tubing technology offers outstanding benefits. EnLink's CTU works equally as well with all thermal enhanced or environmentally sanctioned grouts. Our optional grout system helps ensure that any grout you select is thoroughly mixed and pumped.

(Click here to see the CTU in action.)

EnLink Geoenergy Services, Inc.
16430 Park Ten Place, # 600 - Houston, TX 77084
Tel : (281) 398.6880- Fax : (281) 398.6715

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