<%pageName = "math" %> EnLink Geoenergy, Inc. - Compare the Savings
  Compare the Savings   

Let's face it, you don't buy an HVAC system for a year or two, you buy it with decades of service in mind. That's what we did for the state of New York in the charts below. Take a look at the differences there and think how much you could save on your next project. That might make your decision a little easier.

Total Building Energy Consumption
  Peak Demand Annual Energy
Geothermal 760 kW 2,688,885 kWh
Conventional 1,215 kW 4,322,265 kWh
Net Savings 455 kW (37%) 1,633,380 kWh

Estimated Energy Savings

Estimated Maintenance Savings

Energy consumption, energy savings, and maintenance savings based on comparing EnLink's geothermal system to a boiler/chiller system for a 575 ton dormitory application.

EnLink Geoenergy Services, Inc.
16430 Park Ten Place, # 600 - Houston, TX 77084
Tel : (281) 398.6880- Fax : (281) 398.6715

 web hosting and ongoing web development by DonDulin.com