EnLink Geoenergy Services is the leader in the construction of earth heat exchangers (EHXs) for geothermal heat pump (GHP) applications in commercial and institutional buildings.

Why look to EnLink for your EHX construction solution? A key reason is that we specialize in implementing superior EHXs -- the underground portion of a GHP system and the component that differentiates a GHP system from conventional HVAC solutions. Another is because our "fit-to-purpose" drilling rigs can match any of five drilling technologies to soil conditions, we can pump any type of grout, and we grout from the bottom up thus helping ensure a good thermal connection to the earth, an even and thorough displacement of the drilling mud, and protection of any aquifers.

Want to make the most of your next GHP system installation? Look to EnLink for EHX construction services.
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16430 Park Ten Place, Ste 600   |   Houston, TX 77084   |   Toll-free (888) 855-6901